Plagiarism Policy

Policy on Plagiarism

TranSynergy does not require all authors to sign the submission letter. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors have agreed to be listed and have approved the paper submission to the journal, as well as managing all communication between the journal and all co-authors, both before and after publication.

The authors are required to provide Turnitin or iThenticate reports. TranSynergy’s plagiarism tools (iThenticate & Turnitin) are used to check all manuscripts for plagiarism. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, should be avoided at all costs by authors. Manuscripts with more than 20% overlapping from the similarity report results would not be considered for publication by TranSynergy. Higher scores are not allowed and the author will be given the plagiarism report and the manuscript will be returned to the authors. Papers submitted to TranSynergy must be original and must not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

The editorial board will thoroughly review submitted manuscripts in order to identify and prevent potential research misconduct in papers published with TranSynergy. If research misconduct is discovered, the corresponding author is responsible for retracting or correcting articles based on feedback from the editor and reviewers.